Matterkind · Mercado Pago · Argentina
Mercado Pago's exclusive DOOH campaign painted Buenos Aires blue
The campaign was displayed on eleven of the most important premium and big LED screens in Buenos Aires, as well as in kiosks, totems and subway stations.
Simultaneously, dynamic contents were observed that made an impact and connected with the public circulating in the capital city during the afternoon and evening of Thursday, July 6th.
The screens selected for this exclusive campaign were located in downtown CABA. Located in the most recognized avenues and streets: 9 de Julio, Sarmiento, Pellegrini, Cerrito; in the downtown area. In this way, the screens connected with the colors and brand identity of Mercado Pago achieved a prominent presence in Buenos Aires, in one of the most iconic and crowded areas of the country.
This campaign was possible thanks to the programmatic buying functionalities of Taggify's DSP platform, which allows the automation and synchronization in real time of all the screens.
The campaign was in charge of the agency Matterkind, who, in collaboration with the brand, used Taggify's Dayparting functionality to advertise during a specific time.
This campaign was displayed from 6 to 7 p.m. continuously, which reinforced the brand awareness of the paid market with its target audience. The segmentation by key time slots allowed to optimize the budget invested, generating better results and a profitable CPM.
On this occasion, Mercado Pago promoted the investment functionality in its application, which makes it possible to multiply the money invested by generating interest. To do so, it combined the outdoor media with other platforms, such as social networks. Through collaborations with influencers and its own social media channels, it gave greater visibility to its digital out-of-home campaign.
Mercado Pago is the largest online payment platform in Argentina. It is a service offered by Mercado Libre, the Argentine multinational company based in Montevideo and dedicated to e-commerce.
The tool allows charging over the Internet through different options: email, social networks, website, a cell phone application or a device connected to any phone or tablet. In addition, the Mercado Pago account works as a virtual wallet that also allows settling payments, which avoids paperwork and saves time.
You can see what this campaign was on our YouTube channel: